The signs of gastric cancer | HEALTH LIFE

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The signs of gastric cancer

Do not be subjective with signs such as bloating, loss of appetite, vomiting blood .... because they may be showing symptoms you are suffering from stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer is a dangerous type of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract leading. The disease can develop in any part of the stomach and may spread throughout the stomach and to other organs of the body; particularly the esophagus, lungs, lymph nodes and liver. Stomach cancer every year causing 800,000 deaths worldwide.

Stomach cancer usually causes no obvious symptoms in the early stages. When symptoms appear, then cancer generally has spread to other parts of the body, which is one of the main reasons for the diagnosis difficult.

Early symptoms of stomach cancer

Always be heartburn, bad digestion. This is one of the first manifestations of gastric cancer. This expression accounts for approximately 68% of patients.

Not in the mood for eating, loss of appetite. Patients always feel hot breath, loss of appetite, even the favorite dish or the dish, hate meat, especially beef fat.

Late symptoms of stomach cancer

According to information from a number of clinics, symptoms usually appear during the illness of patients with gastric cancer. The patient may feel abdominal discomfort immediately calloused over. This situation often occurs in times of quiet. When you exercise, distracted, lost symptoms but still makes the regulating effect of diet failure patients giam.Tren 70% of patients with gastric cancer early stage manifestations of abdominal distention, flatulence clear.

Pain in the upper abdomen. Start with intermittent pain, then the regular and heavier. But can withstand always nagging, painful at times not.

Vomiting blood, or bowel bleeding, black stools, vomit if they bloody well should consider the possibility of stomach cancer. Also, if you go black pepper feces or blood is suspected gastric cancer is higher. In this case, accounting for approximately 50-60% of gastric cancer in the early stages.

Bloating after eating. This is also a common finding in human gastric cancer. When finished feeling abdomen, bloating and nausea ...

The fatigue, sudden weight loss with no known cause. Fatigue, bodily weakness, anemia, weight decreased rapidly, even in 2-3 months can reduce 3-5 kg and is easily recognizable signs of cancer of the stomach.

The chronic stomach pains see the pain appeared abnormal, irregular. In people with chronic stomach pain, if before the pain usually appears as a rule, such as hunger and pain, no pain is also present, pain at any time, do not follow the rules, it can be developed signs of stomach cancer.

The other side effects. Other manifestations of gastric cancer is the disease or thrombophlebitis, skin nodules with floating black, gray skin color back, muscle inflammation, dermatitis ... even the patient can touch or feel tumor ...

The signs of gastric cancer Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonymous

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