7 drugs destroy men's fertility | HEALTH LIFE

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

7 drugs destroy men's fertility

Some antihypertensive drugs affect sexual desire and erectile capabilities; sedatives, lomipramine inhibited ejaculation reflex, causing premature ejaculation or can not ejaculate.

Many couples want to have children are very worried about her husband taking drugs that affect the rate of successful pregnancy of his wife or not. Dr. Liu Gui Hua Obstetrics, University Hospital, said Zhong Shan, the factors affecting male fertility include sperm from the stage, the sperm mature, functioning sperm function, the release crystal and physiological activity of sperm in the female reproductive organs until fertilization.

In short life cycle and insemination of sperm is a physiological chain complex activities, uninterrupted takes place under the regulation of the nervous and endocrine. Dr. Liu, fellas, if possible, avoid these drugs potentially affecting one or more link in the chain operation of the process.

Chemotherapy affects spermatogenesis

Almost all chemotherapy drugs are causing damage to the sperm of men in varying degrees. The degree of damage depends on the type of chemotherapy drug, the dose and duration of use. The chemotherapy drugs often affect fertility as cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin hydrochloride ara glycosides, doxorubicin, cisplatin, dacarbazine, procarbazine hydrochloride, etoposide.

The hormone

Use androgens, anti-androgen such as estrogen, anabolic steroids and other drugs in large doses for a long time, can affect the hypothalamic - pituitary - gonadal axis. Thereby inhibiting spermatogenesis function.

Parasitic drugs

Drugs such as benzyl indazole acid, quinine, chloroquine is capable of temporarily controlling spermatogenesis process and maturation of sperm.

Other drugs

Gout medications such as colchicine treatment, allopurinol can upset the sperm DNA synthesis, leading to the change in composition of the genetic material, causing chromosome abnormalities and sperm deformity. Diamine dichloride acid also inhibit spermatogenesis. Ketoconazole, morphine, cocaine, cannabis also harm sperm production process.

The drugs affect sperm

The type of drug and the compound methyl glycerol can affect the maturation of sperm, inhibiting the function of sperm in the epididymis leads to loss of fertility. Calcium ion blockers also inhibit normal fertilization process.

Experiments show that the drug mifepristone affects the ability of sperm to move. Cod liver oil, sodium induced changes in the environment and affect the maturation of sperm in the epididymis, decrease or loss of motility of sperm. Sulfasalazine can intervene in the epididymis function, thereby affecting the vitality and fertility of sperm.

The drugs affect ejaculation

Some antihypertensive drugs such as propranolol β- affect sexual desire and erection. Ethidium, thioridazine reduce the frequency of ejaculation, even that men can not ejaculate. In addition, some types of sedatives, clomipramine may inhibit ejaculation reflex, causing delayed ejaculation or no ejaculation. Spironolactone can cause erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and affect fertility.

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