Signs you are about stroke without knowing | HEALTH LIFE

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Signs you are about stroke without knowing

Stroke is an acute illness, sudden, high-risk nature. So everyone should understand how to detect and treat the disease in time to emergency patients.

A stroke, also known as stroke are medical conditions caused by damage to brain blood vessels. The disease occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain has stalled abruptly powder.
A stroke can occur due to two reasons: Because of cerebral infarction (embolism) halt the blood flow to the brain or bleeding in the brain (rupture) makes intravascular blood out outside overflow into brain tissue break brain tissue destruction and burning presses.

Stroke is an acute illness, sudden, high-risk nature. The disease can cause brain related parts vulnerable, unable to work.

Who suffered a stroke leaving the suddenly collapsed, unconscious, face sequelae disability, even death.

Because of the dangerous nature of this disease, so prevention of stroke risk is very important.

At the same time, the early detection of the signs of this disease is extremely important to minimize the risk of disease complications, shorten the treatment time.

1. Signs of stroke

Because the disease has no symptoms lasted signal so no one can know in advance I'd had a stroke.
Therefore, you master the following signs may be detected early stroke in themselves or those around them to be able to timely emergency.

- Signs of vision: Vision decrease, both eyes look faded or an eye, but it is not clear expression to the side barely recognizable. Only when patients find themselves with these signs, it should ask for help immediately.

- Signs in the face: The face has a disproportionate expression, mouth distorted, skewed slightly philtrum aside than normal, nasolabial folds weak side is drooping. Especially when the patient says or laugh, you will see clearly signs of mouth and disproportionate distortion on the face.

- Signs in hand: The feeling of having a stroke are numbness hand fatigue, difficult to move, difficult to work with. In addition, the patient also feels difficulty walking, do not bring your legs up.

- Signs Voice: The stroke may experience unusual symptoms lisp, lips numb tongue, mouth hard, the new exertion speak.

- Signs through awareness: Patients with memory disorders manifest, not aware, blurred vision, ringing in the ear can not hear.

- Signs of nerve: The patient feels severe headache. These are severe symptoms of the disease are common and stroke, especially in patients with a history of migraines.

2. How to prevent stroke
- Stabilize blood pressure in people with high blood pressure: High blood pressure is a major cause of stroke, so patients need to be treated to stabilize blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke.

- Stabilize blood sugar: diabetes is a contributing factor to a large artery atherosclerotic plaque, leading to cerebral ischemia. Stabilize blood sugar as well as ways to prevent stroke.

- Controlling blood cholesterol.

- Quit: Smoking is the main cause of cerebrovascular disease. Stopping smoking is already greatly reduce the risk of stroke.

- Establish a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, less fat, cholesterol and salt.

- Regularly lobbying for physical training.

- Stable body weight.

- Periodic health check.

Signs you are about stroke without knowing Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Giang

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