Diet mistakes that can lead to some dangerous disease to the liver | HEALTH LIFE

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Diet mistakes that can lead to some dangerous disease to the liver

The liver is one of the important parts of the human body, the habits, the wrong way and wrong in eating can cause liver damage, making the body more susceptible to certain diseases.

Eat more meat

Currently animal fat into your body each average 0,8mg / day, twice the amount of fat allowed. Fats of animal origin often contain indigestible. Therefore, the ability of the liver and kidney resolution to this matter much less than the fats of animal origin.

Drink less water

The waste, toxins in the body are "classified" and excreted through the activities of the liver and kidneys. Although only 1% of body weight but keep the liver extremely important role in the body's excretory system. To maintain this functionality, it should provide enough water for the liver.


Smoking is harmful for health, ho is walso well known. The first hazard due to smoking are thousands of harmful substances in tobacco smoke. After being inhaled into the lungs, they will cause damage to the different levels of the body's organs, including the liver. It is one of the major causes of harmful pathogens, causing cancer.

Skip Breakfast

A day with many activities taking place so it is necessary to reserve a source of abundant energy. Breakfast steady and healthy will help your body get a good energy source and, in favor of supporting the liver does not hurt

Fasting urine in the morning

Dr. Daniel Paradis Association for the Study of Liver Europe said, toxins in the body are excreted through urine, sweat and defecation. Peeing in the morning after a long night asleep will help the body excrete toxins accumulate, avoid toxins are stored in the body and causes the liver to be "poisoned".

Insufficient sleep

Modern life, many people have the habit of taking the time to work late at night or playing. However, the night easily cause the most damage to the liver. The night-time sleep disorders and sleep quality makes people not getting enough sleep, from which resistance decreases, affecting the body regenerate health (including liver organ) at night.

The hepatitis virus if the night will be much more serious illness. An expert with the American Sleep Association said, should sleep before 11pm and ensure sleep 7-8 hours / day to the liver to excrete toxins effectively, protect the health of the entire body.

Drink too much medicine

According to experts Kenneth Simpson of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Britain, many drug and its metabolites things very harmful to the liver. These drugs potentially hepatotoxic including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, neurological medications, anticonvulsants, anti-tumor, hypoglycemic drugs. Therefore, the dose and duration of use necessary to comply with the instructions of the doctor.

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