6 ways to reduce back pain during pregnancy | HEALTH LIFE

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

6 ways to reduce back pain during pregnancy

Backache in pregnancy that women have difficulty moving and daily activities. So how to reduce pain for pregnant women the most effective way?


Exercise helps increase the strength of the back muscles, improve physical help you better to be able to carry your baby with ease and comfort. From there, back pain will ease. Some gentle exercise for pregnant women are walking, swimming, cycling indoors. Before starting an exercise program that, please consult your doctor or specialist physiotherapist to choose the safest exercises for the mother and baby.


Massage therapy helps the body to relax and relax the whole body, so you will be less than the back pain. You can choose the package massage therapists dedicated to pregnant women to reduce the discomfort caused by normal pregnancy as back pain, neck pain, cramps, swelling of the ankles, feet in line ...

Using a heat pad heater

Apply patches alternating hot and cold temperature is a simple lower back pain. You heat up the cold patch on the back pain for about 20 minutes a day, 2-3 days continuously. Then, switch to heat pad, covered up in the same position. Note, not heat up stickers on the abdomen during pregnancy.

Sitting right posture

During pregnancy, your spine will be more pressure due to the weight increase. So, when sitting, you put a towel in the back and trying to keep upright posture, reduce the pressure on the spine, thereby reducing the back pain after a long day.

No supine

Doctors recommend that pregnant women should not lie on your back would be dangerous for mother and baby. So when you go to bed to lie on file to ensure safety, while reducing pressure on the back.

Doctor consultation

If the pain is too severe, and these measures do not help, you should go to the doctor for a checkup for both mother and baby. Your doctor can determine whether serious problem or not and give better treatment to reduce back pain and ensure the safety of the baby.

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