Beauty formula from A to Z with roses | HEALTH LIFE

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beauty formula from A to Z with roses

We can say that the commission is a close friend for fair skin. Roses are rich in vitamins A and C, contains antioxidants to help prevent and reduce wrinkles on the skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes, ... Also the commission has antiseptic alcohol increases, reduced size applications, making the skin becomes younger. With the 'quality' so precious, beautiful roses sent information used in many steps of the process beauty.

Treatment of Acne

Roses are considered to cure acne skin. Because the antimicrobial properties of the commission, it will help make the blemishes quickly, but do not ignore the provision of high moisture. In commission phenyl ethanol compound, an antiseptic compound, makes roses very effective against acne.

Soak few fenugreek seeds in water at night and add rose water. Apply this mixture on your face acne for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water commission

Making natural pink lip

Roses have a great effect not only on the skin and mood, it can do so dull pink lips lipstick regular use without maintenance. When using roses for lips, it had the effect of red lips, just soften lips. Also it slightly antiseptic, can erase the dead cells on the environment and also higher in moisture extra softness.

Take a fresh rose petals mixed with a spoonful of cream milk and a few drops of honey and apply this mixture on the environment over a period of 15-20 minutes and then rinse with water.


Rose has excellent emollient properties for dry skin. The nutrients found in rose petals help skin comfort and moisture, so it's great for people with sensitive skin.

Make mineral water spray to the face

Rose water containing molecules of essential oils of rose, many antibacterial properties and is often used as a spray of mineral water is very good for the first time

In addition, the rose, rose oil and rose water also helps rejuvenate fair skin, tighten pores, exfoliate, ...

Beauty formula from A to Z with roses Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonymous

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