Neurological disorders from eating too many bananas | HEALTH LIFE

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Neurological disorders from eating too many bananas

Banana is considered one of the food supplement nutrients for the body; however, should not eat too many bananas as it easily cause neurological disorders, damage to health.

Bananas have a lot of vitamin B6. What vitamins help the body maintain a healthy nervous system, and helps disperse carbohydrates and fats. But many, if too much vitamin B6 supplements in the body, it can produce toxins, causing damage in the nervous system and crippled limbs.

Vitamin B6 maximum body needs for the day is 100 mg, whereas a banana can provide 0.8 mg of vitamin B6. This means that every day, if you eat too many bananas, vitamin B6 from bananas and other foods that may be too much load on the body, causing an overdose, damage to health.

Eat more bananas are not good

Increasing potassium in the blood cause nausea, slow pulse. Potassium in bananas helps regulate muscle tissue, increase digestion and metabolism in the body. However, if the amount of potassium in the body too much can lead to increased potassium in the blood.

Increasing potassium in the blood can cause an irregular heartbeat, nausea, slow pulse, even cardiac arrest. One banana provides 400 mg of potassium, while the body needs additional 4,700 mg of potassium per day. Therefore, do not eat too many bananas a day to avoid excess potassium in the body, affecting not good for health.

Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body can not synthesize. Carbohydrates in bananas can prevent other amino acids secreted by the body to allow tryptophan into the brain, thereby creating seratonin. Seratonin will make your body feel sleepy.

Cause headaches

According iFood, if you eat too many bananas can be a headache, because bananas contain tyramine, phenyethyamine and amino acids can dilate blood vessels and increases blood flow to the brain. Ripe bananas have higher amounts of tyramine, this means that if the bananas as long, then eating the body more easily hurt.

Therefore, it is best to eat a banana when unripe bananas too. In addition magnesium in banana also works to relax the muscles in the body. A banana contains 29 mg of magnesium. Each day, adults need to load 300-400 mg of magnesium. So, if you eat too many bananas will make the amount of magnesium in the body too much, can also cause poisoning manifested outside the state of lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, sickness, diarrhea.

It is possible to eat a banana before bed, to sleep quickly, but should avoid eating bananas while driving long distances or in times of need to be awake. Bananas are a nutritious food for the body but not to eat too much good.

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